Coming Up Short

Posted: March 19, 2012 in General
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Well, I did have a nice little mash-up of things to talk about today, but a good portion of them fell by the wayside. It was out of my hands, unfortunately. But, you can check out the carnage below.

First, we’ve got Clay’s March Movie Madness coming around for its second birthday. This tournament was a first come, first served basis in which we picked our favorite movie heroes. Clay randomly matched them up and EVERYONE gets to vote. My heroine was Beatrix Kiddo from Kill Bill and she was slaughtered  by none other than…Belle from Beauty and the Beast? *checks fact sheet* Yep, that’s definitely right. Belle beat out my character and gets to go onto round two.

So, I was going to go beg you all to vote for Beatrix, but I guess that’s out now. Instead, I’ll just ask you to head on over to Clay’s site tomorrow (Tuesday) and vote for anyone you want to. There’s a lot of MyWANA and ROWers in the tourney, so it’s going to be quite an interesting matchup where we see where everyone’s loyalties lie. You can check out the slander and bribery on Twitter using the hashtag #MMM2.

(I’m already planning for next year, by the way.)

Secondly, I was going to beg you guys to vote for Kait Nolan’s book Red in the DABWAHA book contest. She’s pretty awesome, and her book sounds amazing. I haven’t read it yet, but I’ve heard great things about it. (It’s on my list, Kait!) The reason I said was is because she was beat out by Veronica Roth’s Divergent. Kait was the only Indie in the field, though, so that’s something to be proud about! We even pulled ahead for a solid half hour. But, no worries. She made it to the second round and even that is an accomplishment to be proud of.

(So, what does that say about me and Beatrix? *sniffle*)

Lastly, I’ve got something that was not affected by this bad luck streak we seemed to be having around here the past few days: being tagged by Marji! You can see which questions she got and how she answered them here. These are my answers to her questions:

1. Book or movie and why? ALWAYS the book. I’m a huge film buff, but I still prefer the book over the movie in every way. Nothing can compare to the original story in the original way it was told (with words).

2. Real book or e-book? REAL BOOK. I’m getting into the whole e-book thing, but physical books make me happy in ways that an e-book can’t. I literally start feeling depressed if I go too long without reading a book in which I can turn the pages.

3. Funniest thing you’ve done in the last 5 years? Gosh! This is the hardest question on the list. You’d think I’d be able to think of something. Umm… How about the funniest thing I’ve seen? (That sort of counts as “doing,” right?) I saw Gabriel Iglesias perform in my hometown. That man is HILARIOUS.

4. How would your best friend describe you? “Crazy.” Pretty sure that would be her first choice. Yeah. Definitely “crazy.”

5. Do you put yourself into the books you read/write or the movies you watch? Yes, all the time. I find this especially true with books. My heart physically aches, I feel scared, I feel happy, I laugh, I cry. The same is true with movies. There’s no point experiencing either if you’re not going to commit yourself.

6. Favorite kind of car and why? A mustang. Preferably a neon green one. I just love the look of mustangs. I wish I could get more technical than that, but I do not know anything about cars. And bright green is my favorite color.

My birthday is in November, FYI.

7. Would your choice of party be a catered meal or barbecue out back? Barbecue for sure. Nothing compares to a home cooked meal. I’ve got some pretty talented people in my family, so I’d make them cook for me!

8. What’s your favorite season and why? Summer. I love the warmth, the sun, the fun that you can have. Winter makes me want to hibernate. Summertime makes me feel alive!

9. What specific lesson have you learned – Spiritual, educational, occupational? That I am capable of anything. And no, that’s not bragging. Sometimes my days can be overrun with worry and fear and panic. On those days I just have to sit back and remember everything I’ve already accomplished. I am an amazing person, and I can do anything when I set my mind to it. (And you guys can too!)

10. Besides writing, what’s your favorite thing to do when you get some extra time? Reading is high on the list. I love watching movies or making origami. I’m not a super creative person, but I try really, really hard. That counts, right?

11. What’s one place you can be found at least one time every week? My best friend’s house. I’m pretty sure we were separated at birth. Our parents just aren’t admitting to it yet.

So now I get to pick 11 other people and ask each of them to answer 11 questions. You don’t have to participate, but I think it would be really interesting!!

1. Fabio Bueno

2. Marcy Kennedy

3. Julie Glover

4. Debra Kristi

5. Chris Stocking

6. Belle DiMonté

7. Kaitlin and/or Michael Branch

8. Karen McFarland

9. Jessica Salyer

10. Patricia Sands

11. Stacy Green

And here are your questions:

1. What book or series can you read over and over again without getting bored?

2. If you decided not to be a writer, what would your other dream job be?

3. What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done in your life?

4. If there was one fad that you could bring back from when you were a kid, what would it be?

5. Who is the one person that has singlehandedly inspired you the most in your life?

6. If you could take a trip to any foreign country RIGHT NOW, which one would you choose?

7. What is one talent that you’re hopeless at, but you wish you had?

8. What TV show are you most addicted to?

9. If you were stuck on a deserted island, name three objects and three people you would want with you.

10. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

11. What is one trait or physical characteristic that you are proud of/love about yourself?

(Anyone else – feel free to answer them in the comments if you want!!)

  1. Sad to see you go Karen but glad you came!

  2. This sounds like fun 🙂 It’ll probably be a couple weeks before I do up a post answering the questions, but it’s jotted down into my blog planner.

  3. Fabio Bueno says:

    This sounds like fun! Love the questions. Thanks for tagging me.
    Sorry about Beatrix… She’s a tough Kiddo, though; she’ll get over it 🙂

  4. Debra Kristi says:

    Fun! I got tagged twice today! Does that mean I’m popular? I wish. LOL I’ll see if I can get my brain to work on the answers. 😉

  5. Can’t wait to see some of these answers!

  6. ddog13 says:

    1. What book or series can you read over and over again without getting bored?

    The Hunger Games. Can’t wait for the movie!

    2. If you decided not to be a writer, what would your other dream job be?

    I’d be out of work…or, a script writer for movies. Is that cheating?

    3. What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done in your life?

    Playing man-hunt around 11:30, no lights, dead silence, outside…those were the days.

    4. If there was one fad that you could bring back from when you were a kid, what would it be?

    I am technically not eligible to answer this question, but I miss Drake and Josh…it was such a great show.

    5. Who is the one person that has singlehandedly inspired you the most in your life?

    My dad, Adam Richman, and many others. My dad cause he’s awesome and Adam Richman because if he’s making money by stuffing himself with food, I can do anything I want.

    6. If you could take a trip to any foreign country RIGHT NOW, which one would you choose?

    Australia baby. I’ll get the barbie.

    7. What is one talent that you’re hopeless at, but you wish you had?

    Being an awesome dancer would be cool, but, I can’t dance without injuring myself or those around me.

    8. What TV show are you most addicted to?

    House MD. Can’t miss an episode

    9. If you were stuck on a deserted island, name three objects and three people you would want with you.

    3 objects: Laptop, laptop charger, a nice, big, juicy Filet Mignon. I need my laptop to write. 3 people: Billy Mays (he’d scare off intruders) Adam Richman (his food knowledge would allow us to survive) A cousin of mine. He’s freak out. What a show it’d be. (just kidding)

    10. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

    A lion: Sleep, eat, day’s done, repeat.

    11. What is one trait or physical characteristic that you are proud of/love about yourself?

    My hand, because without it, I couldn’t write, I suppose. Then again, I have toes.

    • Karen Rought says:

      Hahahaha! This made me laugh so hard. That’s smart to bring your laptop AND charger. My question is, though…what would you plug the charger into? Hey, there’s nothing wrong with ballet…but I’d much rather be a hip-hop dancer, too.

  7. ddog13 says:

    Dancer as in hiphop and stuff, not ballet, by the way…just incase someone got the wrong idea

  8. Jenny Hansen says:

    And don’t forget to vote for Rapunzel!! That girl’s got spine…and some serious COWBELL!!

  9. Belle of Mountains says:

    Just goes to show everyone that Belles are tough chicks. 😉

    This is fun….

    1. What book or series can you read over and over again without getting bored?
    The Earthsea Cycle. I’d live in Earthsea if I could.
    2. If you decided not to be a writer, what would your other dream job be?
    Classics professor. But I hope I can do both!
    3. What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done in your life?
    Drive a car. Seriously.
    4. If there was one fad that you could bring back from when you were a kid, what would it be?
    …um…I’m 16…most fads I know haven’t run their course yet…
    5. Who is the one person that has singlehandedly inspired you the most in your life?
    Someone I know personally or distantly? If distantly, Ursula K. Le Guin. If personally, my lovely English teacher/poet/mentor.
    6. If you could take a trip to any foreign country RIGHT NOW, which one would you choose?
    England! Gonna go see castles!
    7. What is one talent that you’re hopeless at, but you wish you had?
    Singing. I love to sing…but I don’t think people want to listen.
    8. What TV show are you most addicted to?
    The new Sherlock series on BBC.
    9. If you were stuck on a deserted island, name three objects and three people you would want with you.
    A boat (so I can sail away, duh). A good map. Endless food supply.
    Can the people be any people at all? Dead or alive? Okay: Vergil (to sing poetry so we won’t get bored), my best friend, and a good sailor so we won’t get lost sailing away from said island…
    10. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
    Hawk. Love to fly.
    11. What is one trait or physical characteristic that you are proud of/love about yourself?
    Ego trip! I like my hair. It’s thick and soft and falls in wavy curls. And it’s a lovely shade of golden-brown with red highlights.

    • Karen Rought says:

      Those are some GREAT answers. Driving really scares me, too. And I can’t sing, either. I also love how you said you’d get a boat, map, and a sailor. Now that’s planning ahead!

  10. […] a blogging machine, and one of the nicest people you will ever meet. She tagged me with the fun Eleven Questions Game. First, the […]

  11. […] Questions: From Karen Rought at The Midnight Novelist […]

  12. […] Welcome to Deep-Fried Friday! Yum. I’ve been tagged again to answer some questions, this time by The Midnight Novelist, Karen Rought. […]

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