Surround yourself with art

Posted: January 30, 2014 in Art
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SplatterAs a creative person, it is so incredibly important to immerse yourself in a creative world. Surround yourself with other people’s creativity — whether it’s their writing, their drawings, their music, or something else entirely. Living in an artistic environment will transfer some of their energy and creativity into your personal space, guaranteed.

I experience this all the time. I track down artists that I enjoy and like them on Facebook, follow their Tumblr, or add them on Twitter. Most of them time they’re just freelance artists. Sometimes they have regular jobs, and sometimes they have made it enough to turn their hobby into a full-time gig.

If that’s not inspiring, I don’t know what it.

My favorite artist is Karen Hallion, who creates incredible works of art, my favorite of which are her Doctor Who/Disney mash-ups. It reminds me to think outside the box (pun intended) and to maybe try to put two things together that might at first seem as though they don’t work. You might be surprised by what you discover.

Looking at art gives me the same sort of feeling that reading a good book does. You get those goosebumps and that swelling feeling in the pit of your stomach. That’s what inspiration feels like for me, and it’s such a great feeling to have. It reminds you that other people are doing exactly what you want to do, that it is possible, and if you can just put in enough effort and enough hours, you’ll be able to have what they have.

Who knows, maybe you’ll be the one doing the inspiring some day.

This all comes down to feeding your muse. Do it in whatever way works best for you, whatever form of art gets her excited and ready to create. I prefer looking at art and reading books, but others enjoy writing to music or watching a good movie. Whatever you choose, do it often.

What do you choose to surround yourself with in order to inspire you? Do you have a favorite artist, writer, or musician that you usually turn to?

  1. I’m all about books, music and movies. For my art? I love looking at my beastie’s latest renderings or checking out the awesome paintings from my blogger buddy and young onset Parkinson’s sufferer, Benjamin Prewitt. His story and his art inspire me.

    • Karen Rought says:

      That’s fantastic! There’s another artist I like named Phil Hansen, whom I’ve talked about before, that has some restrictions as well. It’s so inspiring to see him work through them and create some amazing things.

  2. Music. For me it’s music – always good for setting the ’emotional space’ when wriing. Can’t do vocal music though – the lyrics interfere with the words I;m trying to think of.

    • Karen Rought says:

      I have trouble writing to music, though I’m trying to work on that. I definitely agree with the lyrics problem, though, so I have a whole playlist of soundtracks. You’re right, they’re SO good at setting up the mood.

  3. I love this post! I completely agree with the sense of inspiration. I myself usually turn to a few of my friends who are musicians that have actually started from nothing and worked their way up and one has even started to tour all around the world. It’s amazing what dedication and determination can accomplish!

Tell me what you think!