ROW80 – R2C2 – Spring is in the air

Posted: April 14, 2013 in ROW80
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ROW80LogocopyLast year I told you guys I had a special guest for my second round 2 check-in, but in actuality I just put in a picture of R2D2. That still makes me laugh. 🙂

Main Goals

  1. Write or edit every day. 2/7 Just two days this week, but I’ve been slowly chipping away on my latest short story for my collection, and I quite like the concept for this one. It isn’t going to be long, so even though I’ve only added about 1100 words to it, it’s close to being completed.
  2. Read every day. 5/7 I finished City of a Thousand Dolls Friday night (er, Saturday morning?). The last 50 pages were great, I just wish it hadn’t taken 200 pages to get to that point. Now I’m reading 17 & Gone
  3. Exercise three times a week. 3/3 Bingo! And, you know, these were some solid exercises. I’ve been using ankle weights to add a little more resistance. I think it’s going to really help. Bummer is, though, that I just beat my Just Dance 4 game, which means I have no more upgrades to strive for. I may have to find another game so I can keep my motivation up.

Bonus Goals

  1. Rewrite one of my short stories. Elected to start a new one before the idea left me, rather than finish up this one. Hopefully I can tackle this next week.
  2. Catch up on my e-mails. Done! I totally did this. It’s a great feeling to get down to the point where all you really have are a couple of e-mails in your inbox. Some I have to keep until I deal with them, but I’ve only got a couple of them left!
  3. Update my contests doc. I did not get a chance to finish this, but I definitely started it!

List of Awesome

  1. I did an interview with one of my favorite contemporary artists, Karen Hallion. She draws a lot of pop-culture things, including Doctor Who. I focused on her Doctor Who and Disney Heroines collection.
  2. Natalie and I interviewed someone from Teen Wolf on Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast! Check it out.
  3. C.G. Cooper has another short story up on Amazon called Running. This was an interesting look at Cal (his main character) before we saw him in the Corps Justice books.
  4. The other day I went for a walk around our yard and ended up finding a lot of garbage strewn around the place (we live next to a highway). I picked up 2 WalMart bags full and three medium sized boxes in about 15 minutes. It makes me so mad when people litter, but it was definitely a great feeling to do something about it.

Points and Words

Each of my main goals gets FIVE POINTS. Bonus goals get TEN POINTS if they’re completed.

  • Week 1 – 15 points
  • Week 2 – 60 points

This week I wrote:

  • Week 1 – 0 words
  • Week 2 – 1,188 words

Total words written in round 2: 1,188 words

Total words for the year: 58,702 words written since January 1, 2013

Have you done anything outside since the weather has been getting nicer?

  1. Gloria Weber says:

    I can totally relate to your reading experience with CITY OF A THOUSAND DOLLS, though I had it with another book, A PRINCESS OF ROUMANIA.

    Also, read your interview with Karen Hallion and loved it. I’ve been seeing lots of that Doctor Who/Disney Princess art float about in my social media. Cool to know who it is by and that there’s still more coming. 🙂

    • Karen Rought says:

      City of a Thousand Dolls had a lot of potential, I think, to be darker and grittier. It would’ve been cool if the author took it in that direction.

      Ah! I’m glad I was able to help. 🙂 She’s amazing. I can’t wait to see her other designs.

  2. Sandy Taylor Fowke says:

    I’ve been curious about City of a Thousand Dolls – might check it out. Great work on the goals BTW – Good luck for next week 😀

    • Karen Rought says:

      It’s not exactly the best book I’ve ever read, but I did enjoy it, especially the ending. Some of the characters are truly wonderful. If you’re like me and tend to enjoy just about anything you pick up and try not to be too critical, I think you’ll like it!

  3. Laura says:

    Great work on the goals. Have a good week. x

  4. EM Castellan says:

    Yeah for a good week! Keep at it 🙂

  5. Eden says:

    Always nice to see things firing up for people–kudos on that big increase in points. And the Doctor Who/Disney art… I can only imagine how much joy Belle would feel at being inside the Tardis (my favorite part of that movie was the library…of course; was it yours?)

    Yeah… Spring is in the air… and it’s time for all sorts of awesome stuff to happen.

    • Karen Rought says:

      Thank you! Can I tell you a secret? I’m not even sure I’ve seen Beauty and the Beast all the way through. Maybe when I was really, really young. I barely remember it! Movies like that and Aladdin weren’t staples of my childhood. I was more of a Pocahontas-Little-Mermaid-Mulan kind of girl.

  6. Julie Glover says:

    I am officially jealous: “a couple of e-mails in your inbox.” Go you!

    You’re off to a fabulous start this round! You remind me that I need to pull out my Just Dance game and get moving.

    • Karen Rought says:

      Thanks! I’ve now got almost 50 in there, haha, but I’m sitting down at the moment and really trying to plug through them. Gotta stay on top of this!

      I just beat my Just Dance 4 game. 😦 I just ordered a new one called Hip Hop Experience though. It looks really good!

Tell me what you think!