Posts Tagged ‘Winter’

I have the greatest amount of respect for people who can do things that I’m hopeless at. Now, I’ve got some rhythm and I’m not too bad at learning choreography, but I’m not a dancer in the sense that it is what I live and breathe every day (I’ll reserve that for writing).

I love dancing so much, though. It’s a beautiful art form. I especially love when a dancer can tell a story just by the way he or she moves. The video below is a wonderful example of this.


You might have recognized Harry Shum Jr. there – he’s Mike Chang from Glee. He tweeted (@iharryshum) this video yesterday and I just fell in love with it. He’s got some awesome facial expressions, and I really enjoy his acting (especially when he’s being silly). The whole group featured in this video is amazing though, and I just loved the story telling and the message of the entire thing.

Hope you enjoyed it! Merry Christmas. 🙂